Documenting Your Org Will Save The Company One Day

A Fantastical Foray into Salesforce Instance Documentation: Best Practices with a Twist Gather ‘round, ye architects of Salesforce, for a fantastical journey into the realm of business process automation, where the powerful platform of Salesforce rules supreme. In this enchanted kingdom, CRM (Customer Relationship Management) wizards harness their mystical arts to bring order and efficiency to businesses far and wide. Our tale may be filled with whimsy, but rest assured, the lesson it imparts is ever so practical: meticulously documenting your Salesforce instance is crucial to maintaining harmony and productivity within the realm of data....

June 15, 2023 · 3 min · 571 words · Me

Knowing When to Place Fields is a Magical Art - Get Wise

The Chronicles of Iterative Salesforce Expansion: A Bewitching Tale of Fields, Objects, and Best Practices Once upon a time, in the enchanted realm of CRM, there lived a Salesforce sorceress named Sarah. Sarah was an astute, resourceful, and clever enchantress, entrusted with the honorable task of managing and customizing her organization’s Salesforce kingdom. Sarah understood her duty demanded unwavering attention. Fields and objects were to materialize gradually and with the highest caution....

June 14, 2023 · 3 min · 550 words · Me