Salesforce Cases & Email: The Insurance Company’s Magic Wand for Streamlining Quoting and RFQs

Join us in the thrilling world of business technology to uncover just how Salesforce, the name more popular than “password” in corporate lingo, waves its wand to turn your insurance quoting processes and Request for Quotation (RFQ) intakes into a streamlined symphony. It’s all thanks to superheroes named “Salesforce Cases” and “Email-to-Case” features!

Introducing Salesforce Cases & Email-to-Case: Not just Features, but Lifesavers!

At first glance, Salesforce Cases might appear as a mere tool. But peel back the layers, and you’ll uncover a mighty weapon that allows companies to manage, track, and, most importantly, swing into action to respond to customer inquiries. From fixing product hiccups, addressing service dilemmas to cashing in on sales opportunities, Cases has got you covered!

The brilliant Email-to-Case feature? Well, imagine if every incoming email magically transformed into a customer service case within Salesforce, allowing these cases to be auto-sorted, monitored, and resolved. That’s Email-to-Case for you!

Insure to Ensure: Simplifying Your Insurance Quoting Process

Creating insurance tributes, ahem, quotes, can be as intricate as knitting a sweater. Gathering threads of essential info from an interested customer and weaving it into the fabric of underwriting criteria is key. That’s precisely where Salesforce and the Email-to-Case feature weave their magic.

Partner sellers just need to send an email to a shared inbox detailing the client’s insurance wish-list. Voila! Salesforce works its charm, morphing this email into a trackable case. This elaborate info-library empowers insurance companies to stitch together a meticulous quote, and zip it back promptly to partner sellers–keeping everything spick and span within specific cases for seamless communication.

Magic Mailbox – RFQ Intakes made Simple

Who knew RFQ intakes could score an efficiency upgrade? Businesses often juggle numerous quote requests from potential buyers, which indeed calls for some juggling skills. But fret not! Salesforce’s Email-to-Case feature is here to save the day.

Enter the magic mailbox! RFQs sent by partner sellers instantaneously bloom into a case within Salesforce. This automation wizard helps your team draft a response based on each detailed RFQ and send it back as easy as email. This seamless method captures every detail from the RFQ, ensuring an accurate, reliable response every single time.

Keeping Up with the Quotes: Tracking RFQs and Status

The curtain rises on the Salesforce Cases and Email-to-Case duo’s power act in their miraculous ability to keep a hawk-eye on both the RFQs and the quote reply status'.

Each case, handcrafted by Salesforce, unlocks a treasure trove of interaction chronicles, allowing businesses to easily keep tabs on the life cycle of each quote request. These Cases keep all stakeholders in the loop, preventing potential mix-ups while improving team collaboration.

In summary, Salesforce Cases and the Email-to-Case feature are nothing short of a magic potion for managing insurance quotes and RFQ processes. By untangling workflow knots, improving communication bridges, and whipping up productivity, Salesforce proves itself to be the ultimate sidekick to drive businesses faster than a broomstick towards success.

How Does it Work?

Step 1: The broker sends an email to the company requesting a quote for insurance plans. The email should include the following information:

  • The name and contact information of the broker
  • The name of the company
  • The type of insurance plans that are being requested
  • The number of employees or members that the company has (the census file, including date of birth, gender and other information per company’s request)
  • Any other relevant information about the company’s insurance needs such as prior claim data, current plan information, etc.

Step 2: The company receives the email to a shared mailbox. The email is automatically routed to Salesforce, where it is created as a case. The case is assigned to a representative who will be responsible for handling the request or if needed a team of representatives (a Salesforce queue).

Step 3: The case queue provides inventory management. This means that the cases are prioritized based on the availability of underwriters, sales support teams or other criteria such as the identified group size. If possible, this is a place to employ Einstein AI to help with the prioritization of cases, OCR or other form data extraction to created structured Salesforce data from the email.

Step 4: Cases are worked in order received or custom criteria. This means that the cases can be worked in the order that they are received, or they can be prioritized based on other criteria, such as the size of the company or the urgency of the request. If your team can use NLP or AI to extract data from the email and documents then you can help prioritize the cases based on the urgency of the request and other structured data.

Step 5: The representative requests for more information from the broker as needed. The representative may need to know more about the company’s insurance needs in order to provide an accurate quote. Any conversational emails that are sent are sent from the context of the case, which means that they are visible to all users in Salesforce who have access to the case.

Step 6: The representative arrives at a quote and sends the quote and sales collateral from the Salesforce case. The quote and sales collateral are sent to the broker via email. The quote and sales collateral should include the following information:

  • The type of insurance plans that are being quoted
  • The premium for each plan
  • The terms and conditions of each plan
  • Any other relevant information about the plans

Additional Details:

  • The process described above is just one example of how a company can use Salesforce to streamline the insurance quoting process. There are many other ways to use Salesforce for this purpose, and the specific steps involved will vary depending on the specific needs of the company.
  • Salesforce can also be used to track the status of insurance quotes, manage the workflow for insurance quotes, and collaborate with other users on insurance quotes.
  • By using Salesforce, companies can improve the efficiency of their insurance quoting process and provide better service to their customers.


graph TD subgraph Quoting A[Email for Quote] B[Create Case] C[Quote & Interested] D[Create Account & Contacts] E[Work Opportunity] A --> B B --> C C --> D D --> E end subgraph Implementation F[Create Orders] G[Create Order Line Items] H[Use Custom Objects] I[Finalized Custom Objects & Closed Order] J[Implement Customer] E --> F F --> G G --> H H --> I I --> J end A(( )) -- Start --> B J -- End --> K(( )) style A fill: white, stroke: white style K fill: white, stroke: white